multidisciplinary artist in the fields of sound, film, composition, radio, graphics, poetry.

– lives and works in Middle Europe, based in Dresden

– til now: Meisterschüler:in (postgrad) with Prof. Nicole Vögele

– July 2023: Diploma in Visual Arts at HfBK Dresden with Nevin Aladag, Nicole Vögele, Carsten Nicolai

– guest studies at Hochschule für Musik Dresden with Stefan Prins, Franz-Martin Olbrisch, Christoph Mann

– Magister of Art History, Psychology, Communication Studies, TU Dresden

– freelance work for radio and print,  photography, media training


Works for / exhibited in:
Deutschlandradio Kultur, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kunsthaus Dresden, Galerie im Turm Berlin, Festspielhaus Hellerau, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, MDR, Saarländischer Rundfunk, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Medienkulturzentrum Dresden, LAG Mädchen und junge Frauen, DAVE Festival, Musikhochschule Dresden, Stadtmuseum Dresden, riesa.efau.kulturforum Dresden, Kulturbüro Sachsen, AG Kurzfilm, Lehraufträge Universität Köln und TU Dresden, u.a.



– nominated for MAX15 Hörspielpreis of ARD Hörspieltage 2023: "Schnursein, Maulsein"

– "Genauso bloß anders", radio drama produced at Deutschlandradio Kultur, broadcasted there, at SWR, BR, MDR and repeated

– Hörspielpreis Berlin 2016 for "Verschwenden"


List of Works   CV   Contact


2024-07-21 live-set at Teknival P O L T E K


2024-07/09 Galerie Ursula Walter with Filmklasse HfBK Dresden


2024-08-03 live-set at festival M E T A S O L I S


2024-10-03 A/V-live-set at festival  D A V E  with Jana Lüttkewitte


2024-11-22  S T U D I O   U R B A N I S T A N Premiere of the piece of this Leipzig based theatre crew, I do the sound work for the piece







2024-06-20   N E W   E C O L O G I E S, exhibition, Chemnitz, animation at the media facade of main station Chemnitz, 8 min


Celebrating the destructive aspects of nature and finding oneself in it, even if one is negatively affected by it.


I wrote a text about wild fires and the national park in the mountains of Saxon Switzerland, about the definition of  "nature" and how "nature" can get rid of this definition by rejecting "mother nature" expectations.


For the long version of the text: click on the picture above!



2024-05-25 Krachathon Leipzig, noise festival



2024-06-08   Z K M   KA R L S R U H E ,  live with Sound&Fury Orchestra of Prof. Stefan Prins, Hochschule für Musik Dresden


2024-03-15 Opening in  G R A Z / A U S T R I A  in Galerie Roter Keil: "Roter Keil meets BIAS"


2024-03-16  A / V –  L I V E – S E T with Jana Lüttkewitte (visuals), Audiovisuelles Nachtacfé at Hole of Fame, along with Harey, Stefkovic van Interesse, Dominic Kießling




2024-05-04  Opening   T E C H N O   W O R L D S  , exhibition of   G O E T H E - I N S T I T U T E   and Kunsthaus Dresden at Robotron Kantine


Silk screen prints "Tekno Vulva", Kunst am Bau - posters "Tekno Vulva" around the building of robotron Kantine and sound installation outside



2024-03-02 Opening of  „R E F U G I U M"  at Kunstverein Meißen, group exhibition curated by Maxi Wollner's art history Seminar at TU Dresden, by Fee Wenzel in my specific case


S O U N D / T E X T   I N S T A L L A T I O N 
„Scham wie eingeklappte Flügel" ("Shame like Folded Wings"), 16:00 min, long poem about shame, composition and
silk screen print on old wallpaper, 0,65 m x 3 m

The sound piece is played by two exciters with the window pane – it is listenable from inside the gallery and from public space. You see it on the photo: the two black squares above us with red-black cables hanging down make the window play sound (sponsored by Maren Marzilger – thanks a lot!)


photo: Fee Wenzel

2024-02-24   L I V E _ S E T   at the Pre-Opening of  „ „ R E F U G I U M  “  with visuals by Jana Lüttkewitte at BIAS FLINTA art space in Dresden (Refugium is a group exhibition at Kunstverein Meißen)


photo: Lisa Baier



2024-01-18 artist book exhibition "The Place to Be", Käferklause Dresden, curated by artist and film maker Charline Gdaglia


I presented my  A R T I S T   B O O K  
"Keine Wunder – durchs Jahr mit einer verdeckten Narzisse" ("No Wonders – Through the Year with a Covert Narcissist/Daffodil"),
21 cm x 28 cm, 28 pages, digital graphics, text, screen shots, reflections



2023-12-15    S I L K   S C R E E N   P R I N T S 
at exhibition „Töne, Tänze, Klänge, Krach“, special exhibition about the connection between music and fin arts, Municipal Gallery Dresden, 23.9. - 21.1. 2024, curated by art historian Carolin Quermann


photos: Carolin Quermann

2023-12-15 L I V E – S E T  at exhibition „Töne, Tänze, Klänge, Krach“, special exhibition about the connection between music and fin arts, Municipal Gallery Dresden, 23.9. - 21.1. 2024



2024-01-06  L I V E  with Sound&Fury Orchestra,
led by Stefan Prins, professor of Hochschule für Musik


2023-10-26   A  /  V   –   L I V E – S E T   together with Leizig based artist (visuals) at art venue Hole of Fame, Dresden


2023-11-18 L I V E – S E T   together with Edoed, Mental Tekno, Zentralwerk Dresden


furthermore: Various DJ-sets


Foto: Dadi Meister (Hole of Fame)





2023-03 „Schnursein Maulsein“ („Being String, Being Mouth“), direction, recording, C O M P O S I T I O N, sound design with a poetic text by writer Lena Müller about literary translation

commissioned work for the internet-exhibition "VOOO - Villa of one's Own" of Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, online since 1. september 2023

„Schnursein Maulsein“ was on the  S H O R T L I S T  of  „ M A X 1 5 "  2023, the competition für short radio dramas of nationwide TV/radio-station ARD.

2023-12-01 The piece was broadcasted in program "Kurzstrecke 137" on Deutschlandfunk Kultur




2023-07-29   R E S I D E N C Y – „Ambisonics Summer School“ 16.–30. july 2023, held by czech crew phonon~ (Polina Khatsenka, Jan Krombholz, Jan Burian, ...) in Stankovice, Czech Republic


spatial C O M P O S I T I O N „Smashed“ for Ambisonics-Soundsystem


Ambisonics-concert „Melusines“ in Usti nad Labem (CZ) at 29. Juli 2023


2023-10-27   Z I M M T  Leipzig, presentation of „Smashed“ and the other pieces of the Ambisonics Summer School“

2023-07-21   F I L M   I N S T A L L A T I O N
„Jeder Schatz hat seinen Preis“
("Every Treasure has it's Price"), film installation

D I P L O M  at art school HfBK Dresden,
film installation:

F I L M ,  4 – C H A N N E L – S O U N D, parts of the film costume, parts of the set-design and two calligraphys


exhibition from 21. july – 3. september 2023



2023-07   F I L M  „Jeder Schatz hat seinen Preis“ ("Every Treasure has it's Price"), 18:03 min,

screenwriting, directing, camera, editing, sound, composition


Synopsis: Two female characters meet: a maid and a time traveller. They come from the two old tales located on mount Lilienstein in Saxon Switzerland. The maid is supposed to be sacrificed for a treasure.  The time traveller comes from 4000 years ago into this unhappy situation. Contact is difficult to establish, but turns out to be very helpful for each other. It becomes clear: the real treasure is the transfer of knowledge in solidarity, overcoming the boundaries of time and gender roles. But the path to there is paved with misunderstandings.

2023-05   R E S I D E N C Y – "Reparieren ist das Gegenteil von Hass" ("Repair is the Opposite of Hate") at theatre Jahrmarkttheater Bostelwiebeck, near Hamburg


invitation by BecklasJurado, 21.–29. may 2023,
4  L I V E – C O N C E R T S  together with artists ragtreasure and Larisssa Jenne
4  S O U N D   I N S T A L L A T I O N S  with material of BecklasJurado and Larissa Jenne, interviews, conception, audio editing





2023-05-11   R  A D I O   Trust“,

dialogic collaborative sound work with czech sound artist Polina Khatsenka, on Trust FM, special program of Kultur-Symposium by   G O E T H E - I N S T I T U T E   Weimar, 30:00 min

broacasted by Seanaps Radio Lab at Seanaps-Festival Leipzig and on Contingent Snapshot #2


two female sound artists meet in the middle between their cities on a hill above a river. they share a stereo-microphone-setup: one records her voice on channel one, the other on channel two. what do these two channels mix themselves together? especially when one goes away? they still don’t know. they share observations about the landscape and about their lives connected to trust.




L I V E – C O N C E R T S :


2023-04-11 experimental L I V E  – S E T with „dasKonzerts“ at Rockefeller Center for Contemporary Art Dresden, organised by composers Volker Sondermann and Vasily Ratmansky


2023-05-11 experimental L I V E  – S E T at „Musik für Pflanzen“


2023-03-08 experimental L I V E  – S E T at Petersburg Art Space, Berlin



2023-01   R E S I D E N C Y – B I A S , Dresden,
F I L M   „Naherholung“ ("Local Recreation"),

essay film about a parc at neighbourhood Hechtviertel in Dresden, artistic research, poetry and video installation

exhibition „Donnaholung“ together with Franziska Wenzel

ambient noise experimental live-set matinee with nnooderek, Mino, Lasch, Valentina Kaspari und Shannon Soundquist



2023-07-29   R E L E A S E  of Compilation „Shellac“ (PHO002) on phonon~ at 29. july 2023 as part of the project „Shellac Archive“ of phonon~ crew (Polina Khatsenka/Mudaki, Jan Burian, Jan Krombholz), with my composition "shellac factory 2"


Link to release



2022-11-30    S H E L L A C   A R C H I V E,   Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic, artistic research, 4-channel-Live-set, release of C O M P O S I T I O N  "Shellac Factory" auf „Shellac Compilation“ PHO002


2022-11-17  contributions to festival  V – F E S T :

P O E T R Y  and conceptual  L I V E – S E T about the ambivalent function of shame, based on artistic research, digital G R A P H I C  "Tekno Vulva", published in the catalogue of V-Fest

"V-Fest – a celebration of the vulva!" is an art festival in Tilburg/Netherlands organised by Steph Byrne and taking place at Theater de Nieuwe Vorst.

more about "shame"



2022-08-25    K U N S T H A U S   D R E S D E N , "Campus Kantine" at Robotron-Kantine Dresden,
"Es muss weitergehen und es ist übelst geil"
("It has to go on and it's pretty good"),
6-Kanal-Sound-Installation in public space, 42:00 min,

photo: Anja Schneider


Link zur Ankündigung


2022-08-04  F E S T I V A L  K A N T I N E  Chemnitz, „Gramscideologospel“, conceptual lecture/sound performance with Mihael Svitek, link


2022-10-01   K U N S T   A M   E C K   –   Perspektiven für die Neustadt, Dresden, live-set


2022-11-05 concept-party of our collective

P R O Z E C C O   at club  O B J E K T   K L E I N   A



2022-11-15   B A U M F R E U N D : I N N E N   –   ("tree friends") series of photos, 17 digital black and white photos, ongoing

2022-07-15   F I L M   "D I E   S C H Ö N E   L A N D -
S C H A F T   A L L E R ", essay film on the  political situation in saxon switzerland, sound work, calligrapy for the annual exhibition of art school HFBK Dresden, Klasse Vögele, screening at Zentralkino Dresden


2022-05-09/15  calligraphy workshop with Andreas Schmied, HfBK Dresden, calligraphies and sound work

exhibited at 
the annual exhibition of art school HFBK Dresden, Klasse Aladag, Weiße Gasse 8


photo: Levi van Huijgevoort

C O M P O S I T I O N   for dance

„House of Change“ of Dresden dance company 
4 R O O M S, 45:00 min


photo: Levi van Huijgevoort, photo design by me


Link Video


2021-04-17  G E N A U S O  B L O ß  A N D E R S , 
HÖRSPIEL ("Same but Different")about being female* in the punk scene, 64:29 min
text, voice (next to Jenny König)
produktion of
editorial: Sabine Küchler, directing: Anna Panknin,


broadcasted at Bayerischer Rundfunk,  Saarländischer Rundfunk, MDR

Link zum Audio



2022-03-25 R E L E A S E  of conceptual Tekno Track „The Narcissist“ (in connection of art book „Keine Wunder“),on Label „Unusual Suspects“


exhibited in december 2021 at exhibition
R A D I O   I N T E R N A T I O N A L 
of Klasse Susan Philipsz at HfBK Dresden


Link Audio


Nov 2021 – April 2022
I held several workshops about producing electronic music for FLINTA people.



2021-11-18/21 „D A S   F E L D   Z W I S C H E N   M U S I K   U N D   S P R A C H E“, artistic research with Ensemble Neue Dresdner Kammermusik, vocals/voice, concept art, performance, electronics, composition


link audio

2021-11-05 invitation to  S O N G C A M P  by music publisher „Oh my Music“/Anika Jankowski, production of several elektronic tracks


collaborations with Jakob Korn, Alin Coen, Annemarie Reynis


Link Audio Track Typen (Muss ich Ärzt:in sein, damit du mich durchlässt?)“


link video


L I V E - S E T  in the audio installation „Niemandsland“ by swiss artist Dmitri Perrot at
F E S T S P I E L H A U S   H E L L E R A U,

Ambient and Tekno



link audio, excerpt


2021-09-10/30 und 2021-10-14
„A N A R C H I E   O D E R    H I E R A R C H I E ?“, improv Neue Musik with ensemble „Neue Dresdner Kammermusik“, texts, vocals, electronics, shows in Neugersdorf, Dresden, Leipzig

(photo: Levi van Huijgevoort)

link video/audio

2021-09-03  „Legeips vs. Ausweich“, Performance together with Tatiana Ovechkina, elektronic music and fine arts performance
in club O B J E K T   K L E I N   A  at party series  „Symptoms, Dresden“



2021-09-10  „In Chikago steht ein Kamel“ ("In Chikago, not Chicago, there's a Camel standing"), 5-channel sound installation and artistic research about collektive live around small town Bischofswerda, produced in the R E S I D E N C Y „Kollision der Künste“, exhibited in Bischofswerda

link video/audio


2021-06-08  A R T I S T   B O O K   „Keine Wunder – durchs Jahr mit einer verdeckten Narzisse“ about narcissism, text and graphics, layout, concept, exhibited at T E R R I T O R I E N II (24.–27.6. 2021) in Oktogon of HfBK Dresden

2021-04-17  G E N A U S O  B L O ß  A N D E R S , 
R A D I O   D R A M A  about being female and queer in the punk scene, with Jenny König and with me
produced at 
Redaktion: Sabine Küchler, Regie: Anna Panknin,
broadcasted at Bayerischer Rundfunk, Saarländischer Rundfunk, MDR 
link to audio

2021-03-08  R ESTLÖCHER, Soundarbeit auf der Grundlage des gleichnamigen Romans von Lena Müller (erschienen im März 2021) zu einem Kurzfilm von Franziska Wenzel, der als Videoteaser für den Roman fungiert,
Link zum Video



2020-10-15  TERRITORIEN, Performance-Abend der Klasse Aladag im Zentralwerk Dresden, konzeptuelles ortsbezogenes Live-set im Kontext des Gesamtkonzepts der Performances

(Foto: David Pinzer/Karla Krey)

2020-03-07 „Female Intervention“, ROCKEFELLER CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART, Dresden, Live-set
(Foto: Marika Müller)

Link zu Audio/Video


2020-01-31 bis 2020-10-31 „Road Show”, Landesamt für Straßenbau und Verkehr, Gruppenausstellung, zwei Siebdrucke



2019-11-12 Kunstversteigerung der DNN, Dresden, 2 Siebdrucke, in private Sammlung verkauft

2019-11-27 Live-set, N O I S O L U T I O N , OSTPOL Dresden

2019-10-30 RELEASE des Tracks  „Telephone Phobia – Magst du anrufen?“ auf dem Kassettensampler „New Anxieties“ auf Crux Axul


2019-10-25 Festival DAVE/SPECTRA, Club Paula, Dresden, konzeptuelles A/V Live-set zum Thema Clubkultur, kollaborative Arbeit zusammen mit Simon Hillme, Sebastian Drichelt, Emanuel Jauk, Konrad Behr, Hannah Griepentrog, Kevin Kopacka


Link zum Audio

Link zum Video


2019-09-07 STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN,Hörkino Schiebock, Live-set und Soundcollage aus Fluxus-Tonträgern und O-Tönen von Fluxus-Künstler*innen, Outreach-Projekt des Archivs der Avantgarden

2019-08-01 ROSA-LUXEMBURG-FESTIVAL Chemnitz,
konzeptuelles Live-set auf Basis der 30 am häufigsten von Rosa Luxemburg verwendeten Wörter nach einer linguistischen Analyse von Mihael Švitek


Live-set zum performativ-konzeptuellen Abend „Teppich und Tee"


Link zum Audio


2019-07-12 KLASSE CARSTEN NICOLAI, HfBK, Jahresausstellung: „Wie eine Katze, grußlos“, 6-Kanal-Audio-Installation, „fehlerfreundlich“, Siebdrucke auf Baumwolle und Leinen


2019-06-14 TU DRESDEN, INSTITUT FÜR AKUSTIK, akustisch-räumliche Kompositon für das Wellenfeldsynthese-Soundsystem zur „Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften“, nach einem Projektseminar an der HfM bei FRANZ-MARTIN OLBRISCH


2019-04-26 TAPETENWERK Leipzig, „Zweiklassen“, Ausstellung der Klassen von Carsten Nicolai und Eberhard Havekost, gestiftet von Kleine Kunstdialoge Ost-West Düsseldorf, Installation mit Siebdrucken und Sound Art, Link zum Audio


2019-04-12 PHONON~,Ambientnacht im Hranicař, Usti nad Labem (Tschechien),
4-Kanal-Ambient-Live-set, 1:00 h

Link zum Audio

(Foto: Tomas Lumpe)

2019-01-22 HfBK, Ausstellung „With or Without Stones in our Pockets“, Gruppenarbeit über die Artikulation von Protest, Ergebnis eines Workshops mit MARWA ARSANIOS, zusammen mit: Sophie Altmann, Lisa Baitler, Johanna Failer, Hanne Lange, Ronja Sommer, Lea Zepf, Leseperformance mit Ronja Sommer und Lea Zepf, Sound


2018-11-03 MULTIMEDIALE BIENNALE POCHEN, „13 Millionen Zustände“ („13 million states"), animation and text for the media facade of Chemnitz main station, Link to video


2018-09-17 MUSIKHOCHSCHULE DRESDEN (HfM), Co-teaching with Günther Baby Sommer, visuals together with Simon Hillme, 
6-channnel-sound improvisation

2018-07-06  KLASSE CARSTEN NICOLAI, Jahresausstellung of HfBK Dresden, „Nichts, was nichts nützt“ („Nothing which isn't useful", photo series) and „Als Punkt eine Linie durch den Sumpf ziehen“ („As a dot pulling a line through the swamp“), sound piece about a feminist and female punk

photos sold to a private collection


2017 und davor

2017-11-17 Festival CYNETART, Live-set at „Projektraum Monitor“ of KLASSE CARSTEN NICOLAI

(Foto: David Pinzer)

2017-07-27 poster PSYCHOTEST of group CINDY CAT, political work on the economic situation of cultural workers in neoliberalism, graphic design & layout, web version

2015-04-24 first prize at  Hörspielfestival Berlin in the category of radio dramas of 5 til 20 minutes for my piece „Verschwenden“, Link